For updated list of my publications please visit my Google Scholar profile
- S.A. Salehi, "An Area and Power Efficient Architecture for Linear Prediction-Error Filters Based on Split Schur Algorithm," Proc. of 2018 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 2018. (Conference)
- S.A. Salehi, X. Liu, M.D. Riedel, and K.K. Parhi, "Computing Mathematical Functions using DNA via Fractional Coding," Scientific Reports,, Vol. 8, Article 8312, May. 2018. (Journal)
- S.A. Salehi, Y. Lin, M.D. Riedel, and K.K. Parhi, "Computing Polynomials with Positive Coefficients using Stochastic Logic by Double-NAND Expansion," Proc. 2017 ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), Banff, Canada, pp. 471-474, May 2017.(Conference)
- S.A. Salehi, K.K. Parhi, and M.D. Riedel, "Chemical Reaction Networks for Computing Polynomials," ACS Synthetic Biology, 6(1), pp. 76-83, Jan. 2017. (Journal)
- S.A. Salehi, H. Jiang, M.D. Riedel, and K.K. Parhi, " Molecular Sensing and Computing Systems (Invited Paper)," IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications, 1(3), pp. 249-264, Mar. 2016. (Journal)
- S.A. Salehi, M.D. Riedel, and K.K. Parhi, "Markov Chain Computations using Molecular Reactions," Proc. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), pp. 689-693, Singapore, July 2015. (Best paper award finalist), (Conference)
- S.A. Salehi, M.D. Riedel, and K.K. Parhi, "Asynchronous Discrete-time Signal Processing with Molecular Reactions," Proc. of 2014 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, pp. 1767-1772, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 2014. (Conference)
- S.A. Salehi, R. Amirfattahi, and K.K. Parhi, "Pipelined Architectures for Real-Valued FFT and Hermitian-Symmetric IFFT with Real Datapaths," IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems-II: Transactions Briefs, 60(8), pp. 507-511, Aug. 2013. (Journal)
- S.A. Salehi, R. Amirfattahi, and K.Parhi, "Efficient Folded VLSI Architectures for Linear Prediction Error Filters," In proceeding of the GLSVLSI2012, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2012.
- S.A. Salehi, R. Amirfattahi, ‘VLSI Architectures of Lifting-Based Discrete Wavelet Transform’ in DWT- Algorithms and Applications, Hannu Olkkonen (Editor) InTech 2011. (Book chapter)